With iCloud, Apple plans to revolutionize the pressure on ISPs

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide companies and individuals with internet access as well as additional services such as website hosting and website building. In order to provide a high level of service to customers, some ISPs have their own high-speed lines which provide a faster and more efficient service.

However, as internet access and usage grows, develops and becomes a larger part of the way we live our lives, there is increasing pressure for even faster download times and more access to greater amounts of internet data.

Why so much growth?

Over the last decade, the internet has become more than just a research tool. It has become an almost instantaneous way to connect and share photos and messages with friends and family; even those living far apart can now see as well as talk to each other. It also provides great opportunities for businesses looking to advertise and expand.

The internet has created new jobs in areas such as digital media and website and games design. The online games industry has been a huge success and it is constantly evolving and pushing interactivity further and further. With so much data being handled and shared by ISPs, it's no wonder something had to be developed to meet the immense demands.

Coping with demand

The public said that they wanted more and the industry responded. The result was a solution called cloud computing, which has led to less pressure being placed on ISPs. Cloud computing is essentially a means of enabling companies and businesses to develop applications and supply them to clients and customers via the internet.

Using web browsers and mobile apps, data and software can be accessed by individual users but is held and stored on servers owned by larger companies. This single point of access means less hassle and on-demand access to large amounts of data.

Cloud on the move

For those that need this type of service on the go, a wifi dongle for internet access and storage space may well be useful. However, this option can prove problematic for larger downloads and won't provide the same level of integration between mobile devices as cloud hosting.

Where a wifi dongle stutters, Mobile Cloud forges ahead, enabling users to locate data from remote servers from a range of mobile operating systems. Whether the data is games related, educational, health based or concerned with business or marketing, cloud computing enables smaller systems to cope with graphics, large documents and moving images.

Apple responds to 'on-the-go' demand

Of course, Apple is well known for responding to both their product users and developments in the market and as a result they have developed iCloud. With this development, they have efficiently and effectively ensured that their customers can access data wherever and whenever they want.

However, this is not just about accessing and storing large quantities of data, this is a service that enables access from an iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or any portable or home computer. With iCloud, music, apps, photos and games on any device can be accessed at any time and any changes to this data will be updated throughout each device. No syncing is required and no intricate management of data is needed.

The iCloud revolution

With all this available at the touch of a button, iCloud is a huge step forward for the fast and furious pace of modern life. Not only will individual users benefit from such a development, iCloud means that ISPs need not be the only or best option for businesses either.