Your Android based devices are totally under Google's control

Did you know that Google developed technologies and processes to remotely remove an installed application from devices such as a mobile phone. Or any devices running Android. The remote application removal feature is one of many security controls Android possesses to help protect users from malicious applications.

In case of an emergency, a dangerous application could be removed from active circulation in a rapid and scalable manner to prevent further exposure to users. While Google hope to not have to use it, they know that they have the capability to take swift action on behalf of users’ safety when needed.

All these remote updating is called Over-The-Air update system and if Google can remove malicious applications from your devices they can also planted their own malicious applications. Now, that is a dangerous possibility. Your Android based devices are totally under Google's control.

Recommended reading:
* Eclair - The droolworthy Android 2.0
* Google released Android Froyo

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