Everybody Draw Mohammed Day banned in Pakistan

Facebook Group "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" has been banned by the Pakistan government. Malaysia bila lagi. Pakistan is blocking access to Facebook in response to an online group calling on people to draw the Prophet Mohammed, officials said Wednesday. "Obviously it (the blocking of Facebook) is related to the objectionable material that was placed on Facebook. That is why it is blocked," said Khoram Ali Mehran of The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority. Read also Is Facebook Haram or Halal

"We have blocked it for an indefinite amount of time. We are just following the government's instructions and the ruling of the Lahore High Court. If the government decides to unblock it then that's what we will do," he told CNN by phone.

The organization has not received any complaints from internet users about the Facebook group so far, he said. Devout Muslims consider it offensive to depict Mohammed. Read also Face of Prophet Muhammad

There were riots around the world in response to a series of cartoons of Mohammed in a Danish newspaper in 2005, and at least two European cartoonists live under police protection after publication of their drawings of the Muslim prophet.

The administrators of the "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" group did not immediately respond to a CNN e-mail. Check out also AGAINST "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!"
. To view the Group page, login to your own FaceBook account.

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