Make money with

.CO is the new domain extension that offers people and companies more choice in branding their online presence with a truly global, recognizable, and credible domain name. To some, .co represents a potentially profitable opportunity. The only catch is that, you need to get that .co domains first and hope that it can sell. This all relate to making money from buying and selling domains name. And as with new introduction of domains extension, early birds get to pick the best.

Quick Facts about .CO domains

Who can register .CO domains?

You can! .CO will enjoy liberal registration policies following international best practices. Anyone in the world can register and transfer .CO domains — with no domicile or burdensome documentation requirements.

Any registrant in the world will be able to create their opportunity and have more choice in branding online by securing global, recognizable and credible .CO domain names.

Where can I register .CO domains?

As a premium domain name space, .CO domains will only be available through a select list of some of the world's largest and most well-respected registrars.

When will .CO domains become available?

The new era of .CO is coming this summer! The launch involves a multi-phase plan to ensure the stable and orderly distribution of domains – including a comprehensive Sunrise Period for trademark holders; a Landrush Period for anyone interested in registering names of high commercial value; and finally the public launch of .CO in the summer of 2010.

Create Your Opportunity with .CO

Associated globally with the words “COmpany,” “COrporation” and “COmmerce” – the .CO domain is easy to recognize, simple to remember and flexible to use. And that makes it the perfect platform for today’s socially networked individuals, entrepreneurs and companies to create .COmmunities, share .COntent, and .COnnect, .COmmunicate and .COllaborate. Sound interesting? If you can afford to invest and have spare time, check on the suggested .CO domains that are hot and attractive:

5. CO.CO
6. LO.CO