Is Google really Earth Friendly

I'm a bit too late to blog about Earth Day but one article called "Eating our way through Earth Day" that I read prompted me to question if Google is really Earth friendly.

Last month, Google Maps biking directions launched in the U.S. and Google hope that having these directions on hand will help you find less carbon-intensive ways to commute to work or meet friends. Just the other week Google added a new feature in Google Finance that reports companies’ carbon disclosure rating from the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Oh come on Google, we all know that Google operates huge data centres around the world that consume a great deal of power. Anytime you made a Google search, it has a definite environmental impact. Read Google negative effect on the environment.

It is also ironic that Google has it own PowerMeter tool. Google PowerMeter is a free energy monitoring tool that allows you to view your home's energy consumption from anywhere online. Unfortunately, Google PowerMeter is only available in the US, UK and Germany.

Recommend reading:
* Save The World From Global Warming - How to
* Saving money on your fuel bill